Who is eligible?

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are available to Missouri high school students with disabilities who are potentially eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services. To access services, students and families may download and complete the University of Missouri Pre-Employment Transition Services Consent and Release of Information form:

  • The document must be completed and signed by the student (if age 18 and their own guardian) or the parent/guardian.
  • The document must also be signed by school personnel verifying the student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 Plan, or known disability. Student may be asked to provide verification of disability if no IEP or 504 plan is on file.
  • The University of Missouri Pre-Employment Transition Services Consent and Release of Information form may be emailed to mupre-ets@umsystem.edu or to the Pre-ETS Specialist assigned to the student’s high school (see the Find a contact for your region section).
  • Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation must review the application and approve the student for services prior to service delivery.
  • Your MU Pre-ETS Specialist or your high school may be able to assist in the facilitation of the process outlined above. Please send any questions to mupre-ets@umsystem.edu.